Friday, February 24, 2012

Random (But Not Really)

I don't usually have the television on when I'm working on the computer, but, for some reason today, I decided to turn it on. Instead of turning it to the Top Hits type station I usually have it on, I turned it to The Spirit, a Christian radio station. Despite being engrossed in my work, the words of this song managed to catch my ear and I had to stop and give full attention to it. And, one of the wonderful things about the internet - I was able to find it on YouTube and share it here. I love the message and it resonates so deeply with me, as the classic stubborn Christian who had to be torn down to be rebuilt in Christ.


Mom said...

I had this on my facebook awhile back and love it! It makes you look at life a bit differently. Raindrops as blessings.....