Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stats As Promised

The pediatrician was very impressed with Cecily at her 4 month checkup. She's up to 13 lbs 5 oz (45th percentile), is 23.5 inches long (25th percentile) and her head is 41.6 cm (70th percentile). We've been given the green light for solids but will probably wait for a few more weeks just to be convenient. On the non-Cecily front, our first nephew, Connor, arrived on Monday. Congratulations to Brian and Kimberly.

Monday, September 21, 2009

4 Months Down

Yikes, Cecily is now four months! Four months was a huge milestone with Colin, I remember. We started him on solids and I just felt like life had found a new groove - a new normal. Well, not so much with this little one yet. She's a lovely, happy girl, but sleep is not her strong point. For James and I, I think normalcy is still a few months away. But we know that we can get through anything if we survived Hero's infancy LOL. We don't plan on starting Cecily on solids quite yet, but we did go out and buy her a new highchair because the upholstery was ripped on Colin's. I like it because it blends in very nicely with our decor - but it doesn't have wheels, so we are keeping it at the table which means that we had to put one of the leaves in and our table now seats eight. Which is absolutely massive LOL. Cec's doctor appointment is tomorrow and we are eager to hear what kind of progress she's made since making the switch to formula.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh the Perils

Of having big brothers, that is. When I was a kid I always wanted to trade my little brothers (sorry Troy and Ryan) for big brothers. While little brothers were a "pain" that got into your stuff and annoyed your friends, I thought that a big brother would be that special protector that would make sure nothing ever happened to you and teach you all the important things in life. Apparently I was wrong. Cecily discovered the dangers of big brothers this morning. First Ian decided to use her as a pillow prop and then, to add insult to injury, Colin thought that her head looked like a good coloring book and proceeded to color on her in hot pink marker (of course this was right after her bath).

Friday, September 11, 2009


A year ago today we started with this
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And ended up with this
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Til We Meet Again

Goodbye Grandpa, for now. You will be greatly missed until we are all together again.

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Charles John Frank Plautz
December 11, 1926 - September 4, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Two Babies

Now every morning I'm left with my baby boy and my baby girl. They get along pretty well, although Cecily knows to be a bit wary of him already LOL. As I'm typing this Cecily is laying on the floor beside me and her brother is treating her like a Mrs. Potatohead. Literally she just had plastic eyeballs stuck into her mouth to replace her nuk.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Back to school time, that is. Does anyone remember those old Staples' ads with the parents gleefully misappropriating that holiday song? It's so true LOL. The summer did actually fly by though, so the start of the school year seemed to kind of creep up on us. It's so hard to believe that Ian is at Maple Grove with Hero and Allegra now. He's in morning kindergarten and seems to be enjoying it - he's rather stoic, so I only get a little bit of information out of him as far as how his day went LOL. I'm definitely not used to doing the whole morning kindergarten thing - as a matter of fact on the third day of school I FORGOT to pick him up. I was 20 minutes late because it just totally slipped my mind. I'm the worst parent ever, I know - just send me the therapy bill in twenty years, Ian. Hero is in 5th grade and Allegra is in 2nd. Both of them were eager to get back to school and their friends. It's going to be quite the balancing act to figure out how all of the schedules are going to work, but somehow we'll manage, I'm sure.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Get a Clue Mom!

The number one thing that sucks about being a baby - lack of communication skills (aka stupid parents).

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"It's called a SAFETY harness, Mom. Use it."

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"Sibling Abuse!!! Put down the dang camera and rescue me."