What a crazy, fun vacation we had. It seems like we were planning (and stressing) about our trip to Wisconsin for so long, it's hard to believe it's done and over. We arrived, after a too long two and half day drive, on Sunday night, July 4th. We were planning on enjoying a barbecue and then the city fireworks but the weather was stormy, so we had to have an inside dinner and no fireworks instead. We were all just so glad to be out of the car that it hardly mattered. The weather while we were in Wisconsin was crazy - there were insane thunderstorms (including a particularly vicious hailstorm that caught James, Ryan, and the kids while they were out fishing on the lake), tornado watches, the hottest and stickiest weather I can remember, and intense rainstorms that flooded the yard. And the mosquitoes were super bad, so we ended up spending a lot of time inside (will Mom and Dad's house ever recover?). The kids enjoyed playing the Wii, shopping, spending time with aunts, uncles and extended family, fishing (James is a bit bitter though that I gave birth early because it meant he didn't get to use his 15 day fishing license for more than one night), eating (and eating and eating - Dad's no slouch in the menu planning department), and playing with toys (someone else's so that made them more exciting) and board games.
Mom and Dad's backyard and it's mini-flood

The back patio and garden after the hailstorm

Grandma and Colin setting up a game - bet that one never sees the light of day again, it was messy LOL

Allegra, Ian, Colin & Cecily playing in the living room

Ceci napped and slept quite well the entire vacation

Who buys red-frosted cupcakes for kids? ;-P

Lack of sugar was not a worry on this trip

Cecily and Grandma

Colin showing off the first of several "injuries" he sustained during vacation - this one happened the first morning of our drive out there, I kid you not (he fell in the parking lot and hit his head on the concrete curbing)

Cecily and Allegra
Dad and I don't want the house to be the same, we miss the choas. It was Dad's idea for the red, white and blue frosted cupcakes, I think he forgot what happens when kids and those mix, lol! The weather hasn't changed much since you left although we haven't had any hail, must have been saving that treat just for you guys. Tell James that if he moves back here we'll buy him his own boat ;) and that Ryan caught a 45" muskie the other day.......Love you guys!
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