Elinor Kerensa Jane Fife arrived on July 15th, 2010, at 12:55 pm in Wausau, Wisconsin. She came a surprising 12 days before her due date and weighed in at 7lbs 7.5 oz and 19.8 inches long. She was bigger than all of my babies (except for Hero, who was two weeks late and still only 7lbs 11oz) and much earlier too. Some of the best things in life are surprises, and Elle's been the very definition of one since the beginning.
I'll have to spend some time catching up with posts and pictures from our vacation and Elle's birth, but at least I got the pertinent details up for now.
Let's just say that we are very happy to welcome Elle into the family and we are honored that she chose WI to be born :)
Wow! Congratulations!! I had NO idea you were due so soon, it's amazing how time flies by! :)
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