On Halloween we finally got to "meet" the newest member of our family, baby #5. He or she was happily bopping around in there on the ultrasound. We watched the bean move its hands and rhythmically bob its little head back and forth. He or she also had a nice strong heartbeat of 162bpm. Best of all, the bean measured big so my due date was moved up to May 21st! Today we are at 12 weeks, so one more week to go in the 1st trimester and under 200 days to go total. I expect that I'll be starting to feel the little one moving in the next two weeks if my previous pregnancies are any clue and I can't wait! I have another u/s scheduled for next week as a part of the standard genetic-screening test. Everyone we know thinks its a boy, and we totally agree. As a matter of fact we generally refer to the bean as "he". If they don't say "It's a boy" in the u/s room in December there are going to be some dropped jaws for sure LOL. We love you Fife #5!
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