Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Festival of Trees

Another Festival of Trees tree is done and behind me. I can't believe I've done it for four years in a row! We had a prime place in the room this year, the best ever. The tree was called A Courtly Christmas and was loosely based on my impressions of Versailles and Louis XIV (yes, I know I'm spanning too much history, just indulge me a bit). The color theme was gold and french blue with a ton of luxe ornaments including fleur-de-lis, mirrors, and suns. My favorite part of it all was the box we constructed on the bottom out of gorgeous brocade fabric (thanks for the help, Mom). Decorating day was Sunday and it took us about 6.5 hours all told. Now bring on Christmas LOL.


The Fifes said...

I LOVE the theme of your tree! If only I could have it in my home. You definitely have a talent, great job!

Anonymous said...

The tree is just stunning. Your welcome for the little help I did. It's so fun seeing your ideas come to life! It came together even more beautiful than I imagined it would be! Great job honey!

Haley said...

What a pretty tree, it is gorgeous.

Haley - Mumto5 from BBC