I'm so lucky - my future sister-in-law has good taste. These are the bridesmaid dresses she picked out, although they will be in black with a lime green sash around the middle. I think they are so pretty. Now it's time to get super-motivated with the Wii Fit LOL. I'm so excited to be in the wedding - I know that, for a lot of people, wedding party invitations are a dime a dozen and women get tired of shelling out money for dresses and everything. But not me - I've only been in two wedding parties in my entire life (my uncle's and James's sister's) so the idea is still fun and fresh. I remember being very sad as a girl because I was never a flower girl and then as I got older I was upset because I didn't have any sisters so I'd never get to be a maid of honor. Well, I'm mostly over the bitterness now, I promise LOL, but this wedding will be lots of fun. Even though it's Ryan getting married. My little brother. That's absolutely insane. We've already started planning our summer vacation. Due to the economics of buying SIX plane tickets, we are planning on driving. After our last drive to Wisconsin in 2006 we swore that we'd never do it ever again. But I guess the painful memories kind of fade the farther out you get from it, just like childbirth. We are tentatively planning to take advantage of the drive to stop at Mt Rushmore. Besides the wedding, of course, we are hoping to take the kids to Wisconsin Dells and Noah's Ark. They are SO excited. It's been too long since we've been back home. And on a side note about my own good taste LOL, look what I got from Mom and Dad for an early Christmas gift. My old coats were pretty worn out, and last year I had maternity coats, so it was time for a new one. This one was a smoking deal from Old Navy and I feel so pretty in it. Of course it hasn't been cold enough to wear it yet much, but we're supposed to be seeing some snow tonight and this weekend.
Sorry for not having any sisters but after having you we already had perfection, why mess it up, lol! We can't wait for next summer too. The wedding will be great, very beautiful, even though it's your little bro :) We are really looking forward to have the family all together again.
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