After way too many birthday parties with one or two guests, we finally wised up and decided to hold Allegra's birthday party the first weekend after school restarted. That must have been the magic trick, because we ended up trying to corral 13 kids for a birthday party at Idaho Ice World. It was a tough time, since James had sole responsibility for the kids on the ice (yes, he skated - he's not too bad either) and I had sole responsibility for the boys (Ian skated for about 15 minutes). It might sound as if I got the better end of the deal here, but when you consider that one of those boys is named C-O-L-I-N and he is a holy terror (love you buddy) I'm not so sure. We put on happy faces for Allegra though, and she seemed to have a great time. She was certainly excited to be the birthday girl for a "second" time in less than a month LOL.

We're glad Allegra had a good time at her party, it looked like a lot of fun. Grandpa said he could have help out on the ice and I would have helped with Ian, love ya Colin, but boy can you scream, maybe a future rock star.......Happy Birthday Allegra, we love you!
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