I was slow in my duties this year and I did not have the Christmas trees both completely decorated by the day after Thanksgiving. Oh well LOL. We purchased our first artificial tree this year - I was tired of drooping garland, pokey needles, and spilled water all over and James graciously agreed that I could have one fake tree. We purchased it through Senske and it is beautiful. It's a bit shorter than what we usually have (7.5 ft) because I wanted a multicolor tree and they didn't make the 9ft with multicolor lights, but it's super full and works beautifully in the living room. It has LED lights so it's so very bright. We kept with the traditional real Noble Fir in the music room. It's the tallest tree we've gotten yet at 11 ft (it was SO heavy, it took three people to bring it inside). James wasn't feeling it so much as he had to do the bulk of the lighting and decorating because I didn't want to be up and down on the ladder, but with my helpful (right, honey?) coaching he did a great job. The kids were very in to decorating and hanging ornaments this year, as a matter of fact I think they did the majority of the ornament hanging. After we finally finished (I skipped the tinsel this year because I just didn't have the heart to make James do it) we all enjoyed mugs of fresh-off-the-stove hot cocoa with marshmallows (even Colin). I have pictures of the living room tree, but none of the music room tree as my pics didn't turn out. I love the pictures of Colin at the bottom trying to "plug in" the tree with the vacuum cord. He would hold it up to the lights and wait for them to turn on.

The tree is really pretty. The shot of Colin trying to plug in the vacuum cleaner cord to turn on the lights is way too cute! I suppose you guys turned them on each time he did it? Hope you've got that on video, those are the kind of things you want to see when he's older and he'll roll his eyes at you for, LOL All my "babies" are adorable!
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